6mm Terrain

6mm Terrain

This was my first endeavour in to making terrain boards. I had wanted to make my own terrain for a set of modern rules I am in the process of finishing and currently play testing. So with that in mind I decided to see what I could come up with. Below is the result.

West View

The terrain is not based on any particular region / country or geographical location, although some of the buildings do resemble 1940's Britain but that's only due to what I had in my terrain box at the time.

North View

The boards were 4ft by 2ft tongue and groove polystyrene insulation board that I stupidly thought would fit together nicely when made (My first mistake of many!) Armed with a £4.99 off eBay hotwire polystyrene cutter I had at it!

South View

I decided early on that this setup was not going to be modular so would not have to worry about matching each board up with every other one. So a rough plan was formulated and stuff started to get glued to other stuff.

The Village

I found shop on eBay that sold N Gauge 3.5mm trees in packs of 200 so I decided to buy four lots to make a total of approximately 800 in total. I didn't want all the trees to look the same so thought I would go for a lighter green (Mistake number 2!) The light green trees looked a little to vivid and I am sure to this day are made from shredded high vis jackets!

St. Crispins

I bought copious amount of flock, course turf, brillo pads and so on. My new best friend was PVA glue which I am now convinced is the elixir of life and the primordial ooze that we all sprang from! This stuff is fabulous it not only stuck everything to everything else, when watered down sealed everything as well to a hard playable surface that nothing could escape from.

The Farm

The Rolling Countryside
 The Industrial Park

All in all it was a pleasurable experience. I learnt a great deal about what to do and what not to do. On to my next project in 20mm!


  1. I'm impressed in particular with the rolling countryside.
    Is the table 6' x 4' ?
